
Located just minutes from the Milford Oval, we offer small group classes from puppy to adult dogs and private consultation(s) for your behavioral challenges. These can be scheduled at the center, in your home or out and about. A schedule is built around you and your dog’s unique needs. Not sure what your needs are? We offer a free 20 minute Consultation to discuss what would be the best choice. Does your dog walk YOU down the road? Maybe lunges or barks at stuff on walks? Steals food off tables and counters, has spring loaded paws when greeting people? Do you feel like your dog ignores you?  We can help with that!

Building a foundation and relationship with your dog, builds healthy habits for success. Training should never feel like a chore. Here you will learn how positive reinforcement and fun plays a role in a stronger relationship with your dog.

Is your dog reactive towards other dogs? The barking and lunging can often look like your dog is acting aggressively towards another dog. Sometimes this reactivity is displayed towards other things as well. The delivery driver, people, fast moving objects, looking out windows, etc… Dogs that are reactive go to less places. This may not be what you envisioned, and you just wish you could bring your dog places without it being stressful or embarrassing. These dogs aren’t bad dogs. In fact, many of them are sweet, lovable and you love them to pieces. Trust needs to be built. Trusting in your abilities to manage this behavior and trusting your dog to make the right choices are key Ingredients and we are here to guide you.